During last week, I have created the actor Brown(bird), Gray(plane) and Black(bomb,trap), also I made 3 levels’ labyrinth.

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The Brown(bird)

The Brown is a bird, in the design, I set different angles of Brown with the purpose of make animation while setting it in the game. That may make the game alive.

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The Gray(plane)

Similar to The Brown, The Gray has the different view from different angles as well. Differently, it would not change the action when going to one direction.

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The Black(bomb,trap)

The Black(bomb) is the trap in the game, I set this in order to make the game a little bit difficult than formal level and improve players’ interest.

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The process of level 1 scene

This scene is about the road, which is wide roads, I set this as the first level is because the less road and wide roads in the level maybe that is easy to finish this level. Also, the level is from easy to difficult, if players fail the first level, they are likely to give up to play it.

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The process of level 2 scene

This level is made by using trees and makes it looks like the forest. At the beginning, I use regular trees to fill the lines, however, it looks like regular, and the pattern of trees is like the arrow and lead players to the end point. In this level, I would put some traps which can not move in some corner in this scene in order to make this level more difficult than the first one. If the actor touch the traps, this level would restart again.

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The process of level 3 scene

Level 3 is about the the cloud, pass the cloud and win the game. However, at this level, the end point is just below the start point which is quite interesting. At this level, the move traps will be set. As the map is fulfilling the screen and looks small. In this case, I would zoom in the space where the actor is, so that at this level, is more about memory, remember the road players played and find out the way to win this game.

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